I have said more times than I can count that I dreaded the day I had to say goodbye to my Bullet.  By lunch time, Bullet was barely able to move his head.  Calls were made and a “Rainbow Bridge Vet” was contacted to come release Bullet from his suffering in the comfort of our home with the whole pack surrounding him.  That is not a job I’d ever want to have.

I was ready to let him go by the time the end came.  It hurt so much to see him locked inside his body with no ability to do more than move his eyes and occasionally turn towards me.  There is some speculation that there was something else going on to as he progressed so rapidly and so severely.  Letting him go was the easiest hard thing I’ve ever done.  I so believed there would be a miracle and I had time to work through my anger and frustration in my God who didn’t spare my little dog.  I don’t know why his time with me was so short.  I know I did everything I could to prevent this from happening and I did everything I could to fight it once it did.  I know that he has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and will shepherd any future pups that we may have that don’t make it.  I know that he will be free to chase mice and lift his leg on plastic bags and I know that one day he will be the first to greet me.  Letting go of Bullet isn’t easy, but saying goodbye to his suffering with IVDD is something that I can be grateful for.

Bullet was the best friend I ever could have asked for.  He loved unconditionally and was never selfish or held things against me- not even the arrival of another dog to live here.  I am so grateful for the time I had with him and the joy he brought into my life- not just in his being here but in showing me the amazingness of the Dachshund breed.  Rest in peace, beloved Bullet. I will see you again one day.

9/23/2015 – 9/8/2019


I woke up Friday morning a half an hour before my alarm was set to go off still crying from my sleep.  I got Bullet up, took him out and helped him go potty, and gave him his medications.  He hates his medications so much that in an attempt to keep his mouth closed, he accidentally bit down on my thumb almost hard enough to break the skin.  After winning that battle, I tried to get him to eat.  I had boiled chicken the night before and tried to feed him a small piece of it.  He not only refused it, but spat it out every time I would put it in his mouth.  I cooked some rice to mix with it and added Karo syrup and liver water to the mixture in an attempt to make sure his blood sugar didn’t crash.  He still refused food.  At that point, I gave him 2 cc of Karo syrup, subq’d him 20 cc of Lactated Ringers, and prepared to discuss my concerns with the vet at our appointment.  As I was preparing my father-in-law’s breakfast, Ammo (my other male) came in through the doggy door carrying the baggy of chicken for Bullet.  At some point, somebody had gotten it off of the table and he was bringing it back for his buddy!  It’s so important to me that I find things to smile about in the midst of all of this.

We traveled the 45 minutes to the vet and I was so relieved to see my vet tech friend of 30 years, Martha, there when I checked in.  She took my teary self into the back and we settled to wait for the vet.  At this point, I feel it very important to mention that it was the vet’s day off.  The regular person who does the acupuncture on that day was on vacation so she had scheduled herself to come in on her day off just to treat my Bullet.  I can’t say enough good things about the caring hearts that all of the people in my life have.

I brokenly cried my way through describing the decline of Bullet’s condition since his first treatment and expressed my concerns at his lack of eating and his dehydration.  The vet decided that the meds were probably doing more harm than good as they were upsetting his stomach and making him not want to eat- something that could not only cause a whole other slew of problems, but also trigger pancreatitis again.  They recommended to me that I buy some Gerber brand chicken and turkey and feed that to him and took him off of the Prednisone and the Tramadol and instead replaced it with Gabapentine and Cerenia and Famotidine for his stomach.  Plans to send a new bag of Lactated Ringers was also put into motion so that I could subq him the required amount for the next few days.  Then we began his treatment.  Today instead of just a regular acupuncture treatment, the vet opted for electroacupuncture instead.  After placing his needles, she attached electrodes that would send electric impulses through the needles to travel down his neuro-highway.  After getting the placements and the settings set, we noticed that Bullet’s toes began to twitch as did his tail!  She finished his appointment with the laser treatment and I asked a few more questions about his care including how often I needed to take him to potty.  (Answer: only twice a day even if he is getting the 200 cc of Lactated Ringers that she had prescribed as long as his gums were still tacky.)  She cautioned me that there are some new studies that CBD oil can lead to liver damage in canines so she suggested using half of the recommended dose instead.

On the way home, I stopped and bought a case of baby food (better to keep some on hand should I need it later!) and Bullet immediately ate a half of a jar.  I got him settled at home and he spent the entire day sleeping.  I woke him to potty, to get his electromagnetic therapy treatment at my mom’s, and to try to get him to eat some more (he didn’t) and put him to bed.  While I still fell asleep praying for a miracle, I did not cry myself to sleep.

He was more alert on Friday but was still refusing to eat until the evening.  I smeared some baby food on his gums to make him eat some, but by evening, I managed to convince him to lick it from my fingers until he’d eaten a half of a jar again.  He seemed to be more frustrated and confused with his inability to sit up well.  I noticed Friday evening that he was tending to fall over more than he seemed to try to move backwards instead of forwards.  I don’t expect recovery to happen all at once (though I certainly pray for that) as I know it can take time for the process to clean out the debris and start sending signals his body can understand again.  My other dogs are so confused why he seems broken.  Ammo is especially pouty and clingy. 

That brings me to this morning.  Bullet still sleeps at my side but is unable to move positions.  I snuggle him like nothing is wrong and fall asleep praying for him every night.  And every morning at his first movement, I wake up to see if he has recovered any.  This morning, he had a tiny little poop and I got him up and took him to potty and discovered he is unable to stand on his front legs at all.  I don’t know if it’s because of more neurological damage or if it’s because he is weak and depressed.  I only know that my heart hurts so much and I feel so alone as I hold him and cry.  I have already contacted my vet team.  We are able to start the Rimadyl today and we have decided that we’re going to try the wheelchair sooner rather than later as he is the alpha male and perhaps his depression is causing the most damage of all.  But I am not encouraged.  I don’t think he’s going to be able to support himself in it.  Where the first day I was so grateful when he finally seemed able to relax, today I would give anything to see him sit up stiffly. I’m afraid that we’re just holding on until tomorrow when he can be released from his suffering.

I breed miniature Dachshunds so of course I am familiar with IVDD (intervertebral disk disease- more commonly referred to as Dachshund disk disease).  I know what types of things can lead to it and what types of things to do to help prevent it.  I know that it can be genetic that is most often caused by injury.  I know that it is a horrible condition and that dogs can even recover from it.  But until IVDD affected one of my dogs, I was in no way prepared.

I did everything the way you’re supposed to.  I had ramps at beds and the couch- not stairs, RAMPS.  Because even stairs can tweak that extra disk and cause injury.  I fed scientifically formulated dog food made specifically for my Dachshunds to improve their back health.  I lifted with support under their bottoms.  But I can’t stop a dog from being a dog any more than you can stop a sunset from ending a day.  Bullet still sat pretty when he wanted picked up.  He still leaped off the couch beside the ramp when he was in a big hurry.  He still jumped in and out of a vehicle before I could lift and set him.  And sure enough, Wednesday, September 4, 2019, a mere 19 days before his 4th birthday, Bullet lost the use of his back legs due to IVDD.

But before I get into our journey with dachshund disk disease, I want to give a little background leading up to his diagnosis.  Bullet was neutered on November 25, 2018.  I chose to neuter him because I have dapple females in my home that were going to be coming of age for their heat cycles, and I didn’t want to take a chance of an accidental breeding of double dapple.  As a bonus, this meant I only had one unaltered male living in my home and if there ever were any accidents, I’d know who the father was.  I took Bullet in to the spay and neuter clinic and the very next day I noticed that he walked funnier than any neutered male I’d ever seen.  He walked with his right back leg as if there was something pulling on it hurting him.  At first, we thought it was just a stitch stitched too tight.  It got better, and we assumed we had been correct in thinking so.  A few months later, the hitch was back and we thought it was from scar tissue pulling.  I massaged it regularly, and again, it improved.  By the end of February his leg was acting up again, but additionally, he wasn’t eating well, was leaking urine, and on February 24, he vomited blood.  I took him in to see the vet and he tested positive for a UTI as well as pancreatitis.  He was treated and the leg went back to normal use.  In August he started leaking urine again and wasn’t eating well and I suspected a flair up like February and immediately took him in to the vet again.  He tested positive for pancreatitis and a UTI again and was treated and put on a low-fat diet.  With the change in food, Bullet seemed to be feeling better than he ever had and had more of an appetite than I’d ever seen him have!  But by the end of August, he was leaking urine again.  I immediately made him another vet appointment and on September 3, I took him in.  He tested negative for a UTI, showed no signs of kidney problems, and pancreatitis wasn’t a concern as he was not only still eating well, but was in great spirits.  My concern was the leaking urine and the leg that he was favoring.  The vet then said that it was possible there was something pinching a nerve that was causing it as well as potentially causing the leaking and we would keep an eye on things.  He prescribed a medication to help tighten his sphincter and we went home.  Our day concluded as usual and we went to bed.  My husband came home from traveling at 1:30 in the morning and Bullet woke up and ran to greet him.  When he came back to bed, he ran up the ramp and stopped and just sat at the top of it.  My husband picked him up and put him on the bed where he then came to me and curled up to sleep.  The next morning, I woke up and as I got up called Bullet to join me.  Bullet wouldn’t move but instead just sat there and looked at me.  I went to get him and noticed he was dragging his legs.  I immediately picked him up and took him outside.  He was able to stand on his legs if I put them under him but was unable to make them move.  I took him to my mom’s house for a treatment on her pulse electromagnetic therapy machine.  As soon as 9:00 AM arrived, I was on the phone to the vet.  They asked me to drop him off to get x-rays around his schedule so I sent him with my oldest daughter who had the day off.  At 10:20 the call came that would change my life. 

The vet and I discussed the pros and cons of surgery and he told me that if that was something I wanted to do, we would need to travel to Great Falls or Washington State in order to get the surgery.  He cautioned that there were no guarantees that it would fix anything and with it would come separate risks.  Additionally, even if it did fix the problem, he cautioned me that this could be something that could reoccur with a different disk.  He started him on a treatment of Prednisone, Tramadol, and Methocarbamol and an appointment was set up to see him the following Monday for a follow-up.  I immediately started making phone calls and managed to get a 12:30 appointment for him to go to a different vet clinic for acupuncture and a laser treatment.  During that first appointment, Bullet would attempt to pull his feet away when they would pinch between his toes or when the needles were being inserted.  The vet answered all my questions about moving forward including his ability to urinate and defecate and what I should and shouldn’t do.  We discussed the possibility of surgery again, where she cautioned not only the same cautions my regular vet had cautioned, but that additionally, there would be significant recovery time needed to recover muscle strength from the surgery as well as the surgical procedure.  She recommended a harness and showed me how to give him rehab and therapy to keep his muscles from atrophying.

After his treatment, he ate some chicken and we went to the chiropractor where, after viewing Bullet’s xrays, he was treated using the Toftness technique.  I special ordered a “Help ‘Em Up” harness for him from Helpmeup.com and had it shipped overnight.  On the way home, he started crying from the backseat with his “I need to potty cry” and I pulled over to let him relieve himself.  I had to squeeze his bladder to help him empty it as the vet had taught me.  I was very encouraged because he was still feeling sensation if he was feeling that he needed to potty.  I took him to my mom’s house for another treatment and after a long day, he finally was able to relax and get some needed sleep.

Thursday morning began with helping Bullet urinate.  I immediately noticed that he was no longer able to put weight on his legs and in fact, seemed much worse.  He ate a little bit for breakfast, and after his medication regime, his harness arrived.  I fitted him for it and we gave it a trial run and he happily walked a little bit with me helping support his back legs.  I put him in his small pen and began preparations for our family dinner night.  At the end of the day, Bullet refused to eat and was no longer wanting to drink water.  He did defecate just as the vet had stated he would be able to, but he had no awareness of what was happening.  The smell from it was unlike anything I’ve ever smelled and I wish someone had prepared me for that.  It was the most heart-breaking thing I’ve experienced.  I gave him a bath of which he, again, felt nothing, and we went to bed where I cried myself to sleep while praying for him.

Bullet was the first Dachshund I ever owned.  I wanted one for more than 15 years before I finally got him.  He was what made me fall in love with the breed.  He is my most beloved.  He spends every night sleeping in my armpit with his little face tucked up next to me or curled in a ball at my belly if he needs a change of position.  Every time I’ve brought a new puppy into our home, Bullet, though butt-hurt, has known that he was still my beloved and that he didn’t have anything to worry about.  My unaltered male adores Bullet and throws himself at Bullet’s feet belly up where Bullet will growl and act tough then lick him and they’ll run off to play together.  It breaks my heart so much to see him suffer like this.  I am so afraid that I am being selfish and adding to his suffering because I don’t want to lose him.  I am afraid that his personality will be so changed that he’ll never be happy again.  It breaks my heart to think that he may never wag his tail again.  I know that I can’t give up on him.  I know that he deserves a chance to fight and overcome this.  I know that MANY Dachshunds have overcome this and though they may never run completely unaffected, have a quality of life that is above and beyond what one would ever think.  I have hope.  But I have fears.  And I have so much heartache.  I have decided that I’m going to document this journey with Dachshund disk disease because while we all may or may not be aware of the devastation of IVDD, there is so many things that give it a face and that help others to know that they are not alone and what they can expect should they choose to make this journey.

Last weekend I had the distinct pleasure of helping reunite a lost dog with his owner. I got a frantic phone call from one of my kids that her gate was opened and one of her dogs was missing. I live 30 miles away so there wasn’t a lot I could do, but I could report him missing. He was microchipped! However, she had never registered his microchip number to her name. As she was on the streets looking, I got the number from her (it was thankfully in her files) and registered him under my name. Within 30 seconds of having done so and reporting him lost, I received a phone call that the county had picked him up. A local officer had happened upon a man trying to lure him into his van and when the officer commented on his lack of registration for the dog, he admitted it wasn’t his and he’d just “found him”.

Microchip your dog: Key to recovery

When you microchip your dog, it is KEY to recovering your dog if it’s lost or even sometimes when it’s stolen. It is NOT a GPS tracker. It will not locate your dog on it’s own. It is merely a rice size chip with a number that can be scanned by any chip scanner and then run through a database to get information to you about your dog. It won’t even release your information unless you request it to when your dog is missing. I have run tests on these and there is NO security risk for you. When I reported Garrus missing I had to click the box that they could receive my phone number. If I hadn’t clicked that box, the company’s automated line would have called me to report that he’d been found and given me the finder’s number.

If you would like to microchip your dog (and live locally), I can do it for you for $10. And if they are chipped, REGISTER them!!!!! It’s hard enough losing a pet but even more heart breaking when they would come home to you if they could.

Bayonet & Ammo: A litter of English Cream puppies

We are proud to announce that Bay gave birth to a healthy litter of English Cream puppies today!  We knew it was coming last night when her temperature dropped to 97.1 F at 7:30 last night.  After a restless night, I noted that Bayonet seemed to have regressed in symptoms and so after a call to the vet, took her in to check on everyone’s health.  I drove her in and they did an ultrasound and confirmed that everybody was doing ok but that “it just wasn’t time yet”.  After arriving home, the heavy panting began.  At 3:00 PM, contractions started – probably because the remastered Playstation 4 version of Spyro had arrived!!!    At 4:50, Bay delivered her first puppy safely- a girl weighing 5.9 oz!  We dubbed her Sparx after the Spyro game, gave her a yellow band for identification, and noted that she had a broken tail at the tip from being cramped in the uterus. 

At 5:20 PM, another little girl made her entrance into our birthing closet weighing a whopping 7 oz!!!  As she delivered, Cali shredded the sac and the placenta disappeared back inside of her.  Ember (again dubbed for Spryo) was given a purple collar.  After delivering this pup, Bay took a long break and focused on her two babies.  Both successfully latched on and got bathed thoroughly by Mama. 
At 6:24 PM, Bay gave birth to another girl weighing 5.7 oz.  Dubbed Cinder, she was given a red collar. 
Finally, at 6:55 PM, Bay began to push out the last puppy.  As the puppy started to exit the birth canal, the sac broke exposing tail and toes as they disappeared back inside of Bay.  Bay appeared to be exhausted and I gave her a massage and some prayer and told her she had to push some more and get this baby out!  She gave a couple more pushes and the puppy’s bottom was delivered far enough that I was able to hold onto it to prevent it from going back inside again.  Another big push and at 6:59, she managed to safely deliver a very feisty boy weighing 6.4 oz!  Placed in a blue collar, we dubbed him Spyro.  I palpated Bay’s stomach and felt another lump and after the massage, Bay delivered the retained placenta safely.  A second palpation revealed that she was done and could rest.

Mama and her English Cream puppies are all doing well.  Bay seems to have some slightly inverted nipples so we will be extra watchful to make sure all feeding well.  Dew claws are scheduled for removal on Saturday.
At this time, please note that there are NO available puppies.  I currently have a full waiting list of people who have already placed advanced deposits for puppies.  When the puppies are 4 weeks old, they will be offered to the waiting list in the order that their deposits were received.  If there are any puppies remaining, they will then be offered to the general public.  If you are interested in a future puppy, please join the waiting list so as to ensure you get a chance to choose!  Caliber is expected to come into heat this month and will be getting bred to Oreo giving a litter of piebalds and possibly a chance at English Cream Piebald puppies.  Cali’s litter already has at least one person on the waiting list and will have any who pass on this litter be moved to that waiting list in the order they joined.  The next expected litter after Cali isn’t expected to be until after next spring as my young girls need time to grow up first.


Our goal at FleuryDachs is to create the perfect healthy, happy Dachshund.   In order to do that, we breed only the best quality animals, so occasionally we keep an outstanding pup from one of our litters to use as part of our breeding program.  While we prefer to place males in our Dachshund Guardian Home Program due to the minimalized chances of accidental breedings and decreased chances of acts of aggression and dominance, we do occasionally place females in guardian homes as well.  Occasionally, we may see a dog who is not fitting in well with family life in our home due to the number of dogs and their pecking order, and if it is in that dog’s best interest, we will look for a guardian home where the dog will get to be somebody’s special baby and her personality will flourish. 

What is a Dachshund guardian home?

A guardian home is a family that takes one of our chosen breeder dogs (or puppies), at no upfront cost to your family.  The guardian home MUST live within 100 miles and have a fenced yard.  The guardian home raises, loves, and cares for their dog just like normal, while FleuryDachs retains ownership and breeding rights.  After the dog’s breeding career is over (5 litters for females and 6 years for males) it is spayed/neutered, and ownership is transferred to the guardian family to keep as a forever pet.


What are the costs of being a Guardian Home?

During the dog’s breeding career, FleuryDachs pays for anything related to breeding including all reproductive and health testing (related to reproduction) for your dog or puppy.  The guardian home pays for the day to day expenses of having a dog such as training, grooming, toys, food, vaccinations, vet visits, etc.


How does the breeding process work for a Dachshund Guardian Home?

At the time a male is needed for breeding, a minimum of a week’s notice will be provided to a male guardian home.  The breeder will pick up the male for breeding purposes and return it to it’s guardian home after services have been provided.  Some situations will be better served by bringing the female to be bred to the guardian home for a “date”.  There is no need for a male to be removed from a guardian home overnight, however, a second and sometimes third visit will need to take place after a full 24 hours have passed between visits.

Guardian homes for females work slightly different then with males.  When a female is in heat and ready to be bred, she will meet with the stud either in the guardian’s home or at FleuryDachs.  Females will not be bred in their first heat and will not be bred for more than 5 litters.  When a female has been confirmed pregnant, she will meet FleuryDachs at a vet visit (which will be scheduled according to both parties availability and with ample notice) for an xray to determine puppy count.  When the female is approximately one week away from welping, she will come to stay at FleuryDach’s until the puppies have been weaned.  At the end of this time, she will be returned to her guardian home.  Guardians are encouraged to visit their dog but will not be allowed to handle puppies until they are five weeks old or older.


What are the benefits of providing a Dachshund Guardian Home for FleuryDachs?

You will receive a breeding quality pet at no out of pocket cost to you.  At the end of the contract, the dog will be spayed or neutered at the cost of the Breeder and the guardian home will also be offered a future puppy at half price from FleuryDachs.


If you are interested in our Dachshund Guardian Home Program, please fill out an application and be sure to note that you are interested in this unique opportunity.  While we may not have something available currently, we will hold your application for future opportunities.

Welcoming new wiener dogs at Fleurydachs


When I first ventured into the breeding business, my husband said I could have 8 dogs.  Eight is a perfect number of wiener dogs because hot dogs come in packs of 8!!!  Now I have found a way around having more than 8 dogs for breeding (I don’t know what I’d do without my guardian homes!), but at this time, we have hit 8 in our home.

Our newest addition is another male.  I had no desire to have another male in the home (it makes accidental breedings more likely) but when I saw this guy, I had to have him!  More amusingly, my husband insisted we needed him!  I have a lot of people who have been looking for English Cream Piebalds and with this new addition, I will be able to increase the chances of that hopefully! 

Meet Axl Rose!

Wait!  What? Axl Rose?  That’s most definitely not a gun name and doesn’t fit our theme!  Well, not surprisingly, it’s hard to keep coming up with gun names.  So we have branched out to FleuryDach’s Guns and Roses!  Axl is a black and cream piebald who came to us from a breeder in Oregon.  We are planning on breeding him with Bayonet in the hopes of English Cream piebalds, Maggie for dapple piebalds (in smooth coat), and Rose. 

Hold on a minute.  Rose?  Well obviously you can’t have RoseS if you don’t have two wiener dogs with Rose names!  




Meet Miracle Rose!  We have decided to keep the little girl from Powder’s last litter.  After the emotional roller coaster ride of her birth, we couldn’t bear to part with her and she will be a beautiful addition to our kennels.  Once she is old enough to come into heat, we will be retiring Bullet to prevent accidental double dapple breedings.  We are hoping that her and Ammo will make litters just like her and her and Axl may make dapple piebalds.

But somehow this math just isn’t adding up… I’m not getting a count of 8 wiener dogs here!  That’s because Remi has gone to stay in a guardian home.  She is a funny little old lady (in a 6 month old puppy body) and wasn’t particularly happy with the other dogs.  Every time my oldest daughter came over (which is frequently as her dogs stay here during the day while they’re at work), Remi would try to go home with her.  (Possibly because my daughter has 2 reds and Remi thinks red dogs are supposed to go with my daughter…)  After days of Remi dejectedly pouting after being left behind, we decided we would give it a try to let Remi go with her.  Needless to say, Remi couldn’t be happier and neither could we.  We still get to see her regularly and when she comes back with my daughter’s dogs, she is happier than every to be here.  And as much as we miss her sweet snuggly self, the happiness and well being of our dogs comes first and foremost.

So to recap, the FleuryDachs household contains Bullet, Powder, Caliber, Bayonet, Ammunition, Maggie, Axl, and Rose – a full pack of 8 wieners.  Howitzer, Oreo, and Remi are a part of our breeding program and live in carefully selected guardian homes.  We may, at some point, look for a guardian home for Axl.  If a guardian home is something you’d be interested in, fill out the application to adopt and we’ll get in touch!

We are pleased to announce that after a very trying day, Powder has delivered her litter of Dachshund puppies!  This litter was full of surprises and even a miracle!

Powder began labor at 5 AM and progressed slowly throughout the day.  About 3:30 active labor started and contractions began finally around 5 PM.  An hour and a half into contractions, we had a partial delivery – with just a bag tip.  Twenty minutes later it appeared that the bag had appeared to have ruptured without the delivery of a puppy and we transported to the emergency vet clinic.  By arrival, we were seeing green discharge and were prepared for the worst.  The vet did an ultrasound and could see no signs of life in the puppy so they began prepping a c section to save Mom and the remaining baby who appeared to be doing well.  Immediately after the ultrasound, Powder began contracting and pushing (something she hadn’t done for an hour at this point) and they whisked her back for her surgery.  While they wiped down the exam room, I asked that we be able to see the stillborn puppy after delivery was complete. 

Five minutes later, the vet walked into the waiting room carrying a puppy – eyes wide with amazement and pronouncing that we weren’t going to believe what had revived as she was delivered!  In his hands he held a healthy puppy – but equally shocking was her coloring because she’s not an English Cream – she’s a dapple!  They then returned Powder to us into a private room where about 30 minutes later, Powder delivered a healthy dapple son as well.  We were only expecting 2 Dachshund puppies as had previously been determined using an x-ray.  All crisis had been adverted and everyone was delivered safe and sound without any further stress to Powder.

Clearly these babies aren’t Ammo’s but instead are Howitzer’s!  But how did this happen? 

Ammo was believed to be the father due to the fact that we saw him tied with Powder multiple times.  However, Ammo was only 6 months old at the time so we thought he would be shooting blanks.  (No pun intended!)  When Powder proved to be pregnant, we naturally assumed they were Ammo’s and that he’d been firing live ammunition after all (pun totally intended that time!).

The planned breeding had been with Howie but Howie has a very gentle docile spirit and every time he’d attempt a mating, he would act like he was afraid of hurting her/getting into trouble.  We left him at home in the back yard with Ammo and Powder hoping that he’d figure it out while we were at a funeral.  Upon arriving home, we found Ammo still very much enamored and Howie still very much afraid and not putting any effort into his affections.  So we just assumed that he’d been unable to figure it out.  But we sure assumed wrong!  Because not only are they his- but Ammo appears to have indeed been firing blanks after all!

This will be Powder’s last litter.  Due to the fact that she has now delivered only 2 babies on 2 separate occasions, we will not be putting her at further risk due to the obvious fact that she is not capable of carrying larger litters.  There is a great danger in litters of 2 as babies can get too big and then get stuck (as was the case and the near disaster with the little girl from this litter).  Dachshund puppies will be offered to the waiting list first at the age of 4 weeks and will then be offered for sale to the general public following the waiting list choices. 

If you are interested in purchasing one of our Dachshund puppies from us please read our FAQ, fill out the application for purchase, and then consider joining our waiting list!  We have had a waiting list for every litter of puppies and the waiting list ALWAYS gets first pick in the order they joined the list!

Exciting Announcements at fleurydachs: 5 Dachshund news developments



After such a busy spring of setting up our website, getting our Instagram account off the ground, and acquiring a few new bloodlines into our kennels, we needed a little bit of a break.  But now we are geared up and exciting about some new developments in our kennels!  What is this exciting Dachshund news and how do they pertain to you? 

  • FleuryDachs Blog
  • Micro-Chips
  • Guardian Home Placements
  • New Addition
  • Puppies?


Fleurydachs blog

We are proud to announce that our blog is officially up and running!  I can not say for sure how frequently we will be posting updates but I am aiming for weekly.  We will be posting about owning dogs, updates at our kennels, product reviews, answering questions, and doing GIVE-AWAYS!  Check back often and join our mailing to be the first to hear what we’ve got to say!


Micro-Chips at fleurydachs

 FleuryDach’s has recently purchased a microchip reader and a supply of microchips and will be selling all puppies already micro-chipped at not additional cost to our puppy buyers.  This is an exciting development for us because getting your dog micro-chipped and registered can be a very expensive thing but brings great peace of mind to us to know that our dogs have a greater likelihood of being returned if they are ever stolen or escape.


Our beloved guardian homes

Oreo was placed in a guardian home with a wonderful family shortly after moving to our kennels.  Oreo is a sweet boy with a loving heart but needed to be in a home where he wasn’t the biggest dog and was able to get more personal attention.  We are proud to report that Oreo is flourishing in their home and even seems to be more sweet and gentle due to the extra love and attention that he gets!

We made the difficult decision to place Howitzer in a guardian home as well in order to ensure not only that he would get all of the love and affection that he constantly craves, but also to ensure less chance of accidental breeding with his mother.  A wonderful FleuryDachs family welcomed into their home and as bittersweet as it is to let him go, we are glad that such a perfect solution was able to be worked out. 

We are so grateful for our guardian homes.  These homes allow our dogs to get more love and attention and still be a part of our breeding program.  It also provides a way for qualified families to get our wonderful dogs in a reasonable way.  If this is something that you would be interested in learning more about, please fill out an application and make a note that you are interested in our guardian home program.


Our newest addition

The most exciting Dahshund news is always about puppies!  We have recently welcomed a new puppy into our kennels!  Due to the demand for short-haired puppies, we have acquired a smooth coat chocolate dapple piebald female from Rocky Mountain Dachshunds!  Her name is Magnum (Maggie for short) and she is sweet and fiesty and an adorable bundle of fun!


Puppy announcement

It is not yet confirmed, but it appears that we might have a female expecting in July!  We will be making an official Dachshund news announcement after ultrasound confirmation.